Salesforce bought Slack – what consequences will it bring?
The move makes sense, because through necessity many companies had to claim their stake in the digital space, so business can continue rather uninterrupted.

I think it was quite a bit of a surprise to find out Salesforce was buying Slack, just a month before the year ends.
The move makes sense, because through necessity many companies had to claim their stake in the digital space, so business can continue rather uninterrupted.
Salesforce explains that the acquisition will help the company better serve customers as they “adapt” to a new world where far more employees are working remotely.
“The events of this year have greatly accelerated the move by companies and governments to an all-digital world, where work happens wherever people are – whether they’re in the office, at home or somewhere in between. They need to deliver connected experiences for their customers across every touchpoint and enable their employees to work seamlessly wherever they are.”
The entire deal is worth $27.7 billion in cash and stock, giving the corporate software giant and popular workplace-communications platform status as one of the top technology deals of the year.
Now, Slack is one of the more popular tools used by software houses and digital agencies around the globe, and after reading all the praises and congratulations to both companies, I didn’t see anyone asking the more pertinent questions like:
- How will this affect day to day operations?
- How will this affect the payment structure for slack services?
- Since slack will now be a part of Salesforce Customer 360, what about companies that never used Salesforce in their life?
Here are just a couple questions at the top of my head, but reading about the deal, the first thing I remembered was when Microsoft acquired GitHub for JUST $7.5 billion and the massive exodus of developers using GitHub that followed.
Slack is a tool which many have learned to rely on these last few years. What happens when Salesforce starts making changes that will directly affect how internal communication looks or relations with clients?
All I can say, this has been a hell of a year, and any more changes to working conditions might not be as welcomed, as Salesforce thinks.
But that’s just me, would love to read what you guys think about this. Drop a comment in our social medias, stay safe, and we’ll have something new for you to read soon 😊