Localgiving is a trusted grant partner of the UK Government, People’s Postcode Lottery, Western Power Distribution, FareShare, and more, and it works with over 4,000 charities and community groups.

Key features:

  • Fundraising: Charities can receive one-time and monthly donations, raise funds for an unlimited number of projects, and deliver crowdfunding campaigns
  • Validation and Donation Processing: Localgiving validates charities wishing to register on the platform and processes donations from supporters
  • Support and Funding: It provides its members with small grants, regular match funds, fundraising competitions, free training opportunities, and expert fundraising support
  • Create Fundraising Pages: Individuals have the ability to set up fundraising pages for their favorite organizations
  • Access to Resources: Fundraisers can benefit from digital opportunities that deliver crowdfunding, fundraisers, and monthly donations through the platform’s support and training programs
  • Make Donations: Donors can easily make one-time or monthly donations to their chosen charities through the platform